Net-Zero Consultancy
Looking to achieve net-zero emissions? Oakdene Hollins offers a comprehensive suite of services to help develop your carbon baseline across all scopes to navigate the net-zero business world. We know first-hand the challenges and opportunities arising from setting Science-Based Targets from our own SBTi submission and can implement our learnings into your business.
Oakdene Hollins advises businesses on integrating sustainability into their core strategies to support meeting net-zero. We are able to assist in benchmarking, selecting and tailoring a strategy for you and supporting the implementation of science-based targets (SBTs).
With the carbon agenda gaining traction and many businesses requiring support in carbon reduction, Oakdene Hollins has developed a comprehensive service offering to assist you on your net zero journey. We can provide guidance on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with best practice knowledge and techniques, helping you play your part in the collective global ambition needed to reach net zero.
Achieving the rapid decarbonisation required to meet net-zero is necessarily a complex and difficult task that unless properly supported, is at risk of being undermined by short-term priorities. Oakdene Hollins can support you across
Carbon Footprints and LCAs
Scope 3 and Supply Chain Strategy
Emissions Reduction Strategies
- What are our offerings? -
Carbon footprinting -
LCAs -
Scope 3 and supply chain emissions -
Emission reduction strategy
- What are our offerings? - Carbon footprinting - LCAs - Scope 3 and supply chain emissions - SBTi, CDP, TCFD - Emission reduction strategy
What are Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
Scope 1 emissions:
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organisation.
Scope 2 emissions:
Indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat or cooling.
Scope 3 emissions:
The result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by an organisation.
Whilst the emissions from your own internal operations are important, the biggest carbon impacts and cost reduction opportunities are often generated outside of your direct control. Understanding your company’s Scope 3 emissions is complex as they are wide ranging and typically sit outside your immediate influence.

Even though 70% of the global economy is committed to becoming net-zero, there is still confusion over ‘net zero’ and the level of action required. Science-based targets are key for companies with a net zero ambition. Whilst many companies and governments have released long-term goals to 2050, these come with uncertainty. Science-based targets represent near- and long-term commitments, ensuring short-term action is taken to reduce emissions at a pace consistent with your overall net zero goal.
At Oakdene Hollins, we are dedicated in our mission to help businesses limit their 1-3 carbon scope emissions to help mitigate the effects of climate change.