Oakdene Hollins signs up to Resource Efficiency Pledge

We are pleased to be supporting Resource Efficient Scotland by signing up to the Resource Efficiency Pledge, which demonstrates our company’s ongoing commitment to a low carbon economy.

We are pleased to be supporting Resource Efficient Scotland by signing up to the Resource Efficiency Pledge, which demonstrates our company’s ongoing commitment to a low carbon economy.

David Fitzsimons, our Managing Director said, “At Oakdene Hollins we contribute to sustainable development not only through our advice and research, but also in the way we conduct our own business.”

Resource efficiency is a priority and we operate good housekeeping measures to minimise the use of energy, materials and water within our office. We strive to recycle as much as possible and publish our recycling rates annually. Wherever possible we cascade company-owned products for reuse through other office applications, employees, friends or relatives, or through more formal reuse schemes. Sustainable procurement is also a priority and we seek to purchase remanufactured office equipment and furniture, including printers, photocopiers and toner cartridges.

We involve our staff at all levels: through our induction practices and through our Green Travel plan. As our largest impacts are transport-related, we compile tables of CO2 emissions per employee and seek to identify less impactful methods of transport; by using public transport as the first choice, and using rail travel in preference to air. Where this is not possible we hire low emission cars. The company also purchases and maintains bicycles for employees who can travel to work by bicycle.

We are pleased to maintain our externally audited ISO 14001 certification, but - important though this has been in measuring and codifying our environmental imprints - environmental commitment at Oakdene Hollins is more than commitment to a single policy. Our commitment to the Resource Efficiency Pledge is a demonstration of this.

Oakdene Hollins works with government and businesses to improve environmental sustainability through effective resource efficiency and waste management strategies, pinpointing the actions which can achieve the greatest financial savings and reduce environmental impacts. You can find more information about our work on the waste management page of our website.

Simon Strick