World Forum on Natural Capital

How to better understand, account for and then manage Nature's wealth upon which humanity - and business - relies.

“We are not doomed to polluting our way to wealth”: One of many, many, great observations from a brilliant two days at the World Forum on Natural Capital in Edinburgh.  Opened by the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon MSP, the forum focused on how to better understand, account for and then manage Nature's wealth upon which humanity - and business - relies.

The room was full of companies, business leadership organisations, governments and NGOs in open debate and dialogue.  There was a great sense of urgency as well as a wave of activity - new thinking, new tools, new initiatives and great leadership - but much work now to be done. Importantly there was a call to act at all levels: for business to truly understand, account for and be accountable for its reliance on nature with the associated risks and opportunities; for policy makers to ensure the framework is in place with clear rules and the right price to reverse natural capital depletion; for NGOs to put pressure on those that are not accountable.  

On a positive note, we already have some of the answers and solutions - through innovation, collaboration and redefining the value of nature.

Many wondered whether 2015 would be a tipping point for change, with the spotlight firmly on the Paris Climate Conference.  Peter Bakker, President of the WBCSD said: "We are building a better system".  If you are not already there, now is the time to explore what that system will be and how your organisation will work within it.

Simon Strick