Grand challenges for the Circular Economy

David Parker was on the Circular Economy panel at the Centre for Sustainable Design's recent Sustainable Innovation 2016 event.

CRR’s David Parker featured on the Circular Economy panel at Sustainable Innovation 2016 on Monday 7 November.  Facing an audience of businessmen, academics and NGOs, the panel faced ‘grand challenge’ questions from event host Professor Martin Charter and follow-up queries from attendees.  Topics ranged across the role of Circular Economy thinking in driving innovation; where opportunities lie in the circular economy; and what innovation thinking can be applied to policy, system and product design to unleash the potential. 

David was in good company: keynote speaker Hugo Schally of the European Commission’s DG-Environment was a co-panellist.

For more event information visit

The Centre for Remanufacturing & Reuse (CRR) is run by Oakdene Hollins.  For more information, visit

Simon Strick