automechanika Birmingham June 2016

David Fitzsimons spoke at the SMMT's UK Aftermarket Forum event, Concourse Suite 2, NEC Birmingham.

Following on from his successful visit to China to see how they are promoting remanufacturing there, David Fitzsimons spoke on 'Remaking the future – the value and potential of remanufacturing' at the automechanika event at the NEC in Birmingham hosted by the SMMT in conjunction with Messe Frankfurt.

"China has announced ambitious plans to grow the remanufacturing sector to $60billion by 2020," says David. "This ambition is reflected in the enormous Lingang business park in Shanghai that is dedicated to remanufacturing. The plans in China can be contrasted with the fragmented approach in Europe."

Whereas remanufacturing is a key part of the "Made in China 2025" industrial policy, in Europe remanufacturing is essentially seen as a small element of the nascent circular economy policies.

David also presented the results of the European Remanufacturing Network market study along lease contact David if with the proposed work programme for the new business-led Remanufacturing Council

Please contact David if you want to find out what he had to say.


Simon Strick