Scottish Resources Conference

The many reasons to be in Edinburgh on 27 September...

Small countries - and even cities - can sometimes achieve more, faster than their larger rivals. In Helsinki, at the World Circular Economy Forum held in May 2017, it was Scotland that caused the most stir. True: Zero Waste Scotland did a smart thing to get attention, namely to offer free shots of vodka to passing delegates (it was derived from a food waste). And if that wasn’t enough, those woollen kilts were a welcome change from the sober grey suits most delegates wear these days.

But having attracted the 1,500 invitation-only delegates, the Scots showed that they had a business agenda for the circular economy. Framing the Scottish economy with the circular economy and setting out the long-term goals looked credible and achievable when set amongst presentations that were either very specific (Peterborough’s smart city work) or bold in ambition alone (Apple’s intention to use its LIAM robot to disassemble and recover components).

So it is with some expectation of pleasure that we will be attending the Scottish Resources Conference on September 27 in Edinburgh. It will be a chance to talk further about Extended Producer Responsibility – especially our work with NBF for mattresses. At a time when the UK Government has left the global discussion, it is refreshing to meet with officials in Edinburgh who have a resources and product life plan. Oh... and let’s hope they're also handing out the whisky!

Simon Strick