Visit China's new remanufacturing zone

From 10 to 14 March 2018, David Fitzsimons will be in China with remanufacturing businesses. This could be your opportunity to make links with senior Chinese industrialists and policy makers.

As costs rise in traditional centres like Beijing and Shanghai, this visit turns the spotlight on a little-known city that is set to become the region relieving the development pressure on Beijing. Look up Hejian City on Google Maps and you will wonder why it is worth visiting. It is about 200km from Beijing airport and linked by high-speed train, but more importantly it has the political support for new infrastructure to guarantee massive new growth in the next five years.

There is still space left on this visit for more companies from the UK and the rest of Europe, but only if the decision to take part is made in the next two weeks. It will be an opportunity to meet Mr Gao Yun Hu, General Director at the Ministry of Information and Industrial Technology (MIIT) as well as Mr Huang Shen Biao from the Ministry of Science and Technology, and several other senior local officials and industrialists; the most senior people are listed below.

The new Hejian Industrial Park is to have an area reserved exclusively for remanufacturing and is to offer competitive pricing and support packages. David will be there to sign two Memoranda of Understanding and to meet with friends from the recently reorganised National Key Lab which is to move to Hejian City from Beijing.

If you want to find out more and see the full agenda and list of participants, contact Yan Wang at the University of Brighton (

Senior confirmed contributors:

Ministry of Information and Industry Technology

Mr. Gao Yun Hu, General Director, Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization Department

Mr. Wang Xiao Yang, Head of Comprehensive Planning, Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization Department

Minister of Science and Technology

Mr. Huang Shen Biao, Head, Department of Social Development

National Development and Reform Commission

Mr. Lv Zheng, Deputy Head of Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency and Environmental Protection Department

Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China

Xiao Hang, Director of Unit 1

Wang Yu, Head of Equipment, Unit 1

Chinese Academy of Engineering

Academician Binshi Xu

China Association of Circular Economy

Prof. Peijing Shi, General Secretary, Remanufacturing Committee

National Key Lab for Remanufacturing China

Prof. Zhu Sheng, Director

Liang Xiu Bing, Director, Mechanical Product Remanufacturing National Engineering Research Centre

China Automotive Industry Association

Mr. Jianjun Xie, General Sectary of Remanufacturing Department

HeJian City Government

Yi Weijiang Yi, Party Secretary

Wang Shaojie, Major


Simon Strick