Towards a circular economy - Waste management in the EU

We have to move away from thinking of waste as a problem to realising that it is a resource. This requires cooperation between the waste industry and circular economy enterprises, engaged citizens and integrated infrastructure at all levels from local to EU-wide. This report examines five waste streams identified in the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan: municipal, packaging, food, bio- and critical raw material wastes.

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Business Resource Efficiency

Our report for Defra estimates potential savings to the UK economy from corporate resource efficiency interventions. Updating previous studies, we quantified savings of £5.7-7.2 billion for the UK economy from efficiency improvements related to water, energy, raw material consumption and waste generation. There is still work to be done for other sectors to ensure the challenge and ambition of possible savings are properly quantified. For companies, the message is that resource efficiency savings are still there to be made.

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Feasibility Study: EU Ecolabel for food and feed products

This study analysed existing food and drink labels and assessed the feasibility of developing EU Ecolabel criteria covering the whole life cycle of products in this sector. It recommended product groups which might be suitable for introduction, considering potential benefits and associated risks. We engaged producers, retailers, NGOs, policy makers and trade associations through multi-national on-line surveys, structured interviews and workshops to determine the response to various labels.

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Simon Strick
Remanufacturing Mission to China

We took part in a FCO-sponsored mission to China in May 2016. The agenda included a Sino-UK Remanufacturing workshop, presenting to the World Remanufacturing Summit 2016 and meetings with senior Chinese Government officials.

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Simon Strick
ERN Remanufacturing Market Study

This preliminary report gathers data on remanufacturing across nine key sectors to calculate the current level of reman activity in EU member states in terms of economic value, numbers employed and approximate carbon benefits.

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Simon Strick
Tagging clothing for recycling

Using 2D barcodes to tag textiles through to the end of life could add value at all stages of the life cycle of textiles. We highlight some of the key benefits of such labelling for all stakeholders along the supply chain.

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Simon Strick