How can European R&I policy best support the Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions?

Oakdene Hollins attends dinner debate at the European Parliament on 28th June.

The idea of a Circular Economy, in which resources and products are not just used and then disposed of but are instead re-used, recycled or even upcycled, has become an important focus of the EU’s policy-making. The concept of Nature-Based Solutions to societal challenges has also become very prominent in recent years. Both concepts are essential for a transition towards more sustainable and 'greener' growth. Research and innovation policy can play a crucial role in developing them.

Against this background, the RECREATE project consortium and the Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) platform have organised a Dinner Debate on 28 June 2016. The focus will be on the question of how effective EU R&I policies have been so far in supporting the development of solutions in line with the two concepts, and what should be improved.

Oakdene Hollins' MD David Fitzsimons and Business Manager Edward Sims will be attending the joint K4I / RECREATE Dinner Debate "How can European R&I policy best support the Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions?" hosted by Pavel Telička, MEP, on Tuesday at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Recent events mean that David Cameron will be in the adjacent room, discussing with European leaders how the EU and the UK can best move forward.  We at Oakdene Hollins hope for continued good relations with our continental European friends and partners.

Simon Strick