Oakdene Hollins contributes to Circular Economy report

Scaling the circular economy in Europe offers investment opportunities worth EUR320 billion, according to a new report produced by SYSTEMIQ with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and with input from Oakdene Hollins.

Achieving Growth Within, a new report by SYSTEMIQ in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and sponsored by SUN, identifies priority investments which could regenerate the European economy and provide social, economic and environmental benefits by transiting to a circular model of economic growth.

Focussing on the mobility, food and built environment sectors, Achieving Growth Within identifies ten investment hotspots that would increase GDP growth by an extra 7%, decrease raw material consumption by an extra 10% and decrease CO2 emissions by an extra 17% compared to BAU.

The report recommends that businesses should act quickly to take advantage of the early opporunities available.  The circular economy, it says, offers a new 'lens' through which to assess investments and mitigate the risk that assets will become 'stranded'.

Oakdene Hollins, through its Centre for Remanufacturing and Reuse (CRR), is proud to have contributed information on remanufacturing for the report.

For more information on the report contact Clare Mucklow at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation +44 (0)7710 966864.

For more information on remanufacturing, contact David Fitzsimons at Oakdene Hollins or David Parker at the CRR.

Simon Strick