Professional clothing judge

Uniform Reuse's Kate Riley has been invited back to the first round of judging for the Professional Clothing Awards.

The Professional Clothing Awards were established to recognise the international uniform supply chain and to reward exceptional work wear, corporate clothing and PPE from around the world. Award categories include: PPE Innovation of the Year 2017; Suppliers, Distributors and Manufacturers Awards; Industry Recognition Awards and Business Manager Awards. For a full list please visit their website). In 2016 our own Kate Riley was part of the judging panel for the Awards, and she has been invited back again this year to the first round of judging on March 1st.  The final of the international Awards event will take place on 21st June 2017.

Oakdene Hollins recommends branded work wear and uniforms as a starting point for a business change process for the Circular Economy.  As Kate points out: "When staff see what can be done with something as familiar as their own branded corporate wear, they next want to change their own products and business models."

For more information on how your workwear can put you on the path to the Circular Economy, visit the Uniform Reuse website.

Simon Strick